Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Journal of Sexual Medicine-Lupine Publishers-Urological Diseases: Ruqya and Negative Ions Treatment: (OAJRSD)

Urological diseases have two groups of causes: Decreased Oxygen Utilization and Jinn. Decreased Oxygen Utilization is caused by Positive Ions from man-made activities. Positive ions induce acidity and inflammation in our body, which are at the base of almost all diseases; the best treatment against Positive Ions is the use of Negative Ions, while Medicine is powerless in many cases. What is amazing, that the Negative Ions help also to diagnose the presence of the Jinn as a cause of the disease and remove the Evil of Satan as Allah “sent down upon you from the sky, rain by which to purify you and remove from you the evil (suggestions) of Satan and to make steadfast your hearts and plant firmly thereby your feet.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Journal of Sexual Disorders-Lupine Publishers- (Dis)ordered Spaces? Managing the Competing Rights of Children in the Gendered Space of the School Toilet: (OAJRSD)

(Dis)ordered Spaces? Managing the Competing Rights of Children in the Gendered Space of the School Toilet by Jessica Clark in Open Access Journal of Reproductive System and Sexual Disorders (OAJRSD) in Lupine Publishers

Rights are often perceived as unproblematic and normative, perhaps particularly in childhood where rights are primarily positioned as protective and participatory. However, in a landscape where the rights of trans* and gender non-conforming persons are an increasing focus, rights are once again revealed as being contested, controversial and in-conflict. While trans* identities are constructed by some as being normative, simply part of the continuum of gender identity, for others, trans* is perceived as ‘disorder’ both biologically and socially [1]. Here, we take the space of the toilet and its binary structure, as emblematic of wider “mechanisms of gender regulation” [2].

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Monday, March 11, 2019

Sexual Disorders Journals-Lupine Publishers- Case Presentation: Delayed Puberty: (OAJRSD)

Delayed puberty is extremely common condition in both boys and girls. Delayed puberty is defined clinically as the absence of the first signs of physical and hormonal signs of pubertal development beyond the normal range for the population. In the developed world, this means the absence of breast development by age 12 years in girls, or absence of testicular enlargement by age 14 years in boys. However, there are racial and ethnic variations in the timing of puberty, such as earlier onset of puberty in African American girls compared with Caucasian counterparts (Table 1). Puberty may be delayed for several years and still occurs normally, in which case it is considered constitutional delay, a variation of healthy physical development. Delay of puberty may also occur due to undernutrition, chronic illness or systemic disease, or to defects of the reproductive system (hypogonadism) or the body’s responsiveness to sex hormones. Any girl of 13 or boy of 14 years of age without signs of pubertal development falls more than 2.5 SD above the mean and is considered to have delayed puberty.

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Lupine Publishers: The Optimal Pain Management Methods Post Thoracic ...

Lupine Publishers: The Optimal Pain Management Methods Post Thoracic ... : Journal of Surgery | Lupine Publishers Abstract ...